
Anti-dumping duty extention on energy-saving light bulbs from China, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam

The Council of the European Union on 15 October 2007 adopted a regulation extending for one year anti-dumping duties currently in force on imports of integrated electronic compact fluorescent lamps (CFL-i) originating in China, as well as on imports of the same product from Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam (13040/07). The regulation extends anti-dumping measures imposed in 2001 ranging from 0 to 66,1 % on imports of CFL-i originating in China.

The measures are aimed at addressing unfair competitive advantages resulting from the dumping of imports onto the Community market, by seeking an overall balance between the interests of consumers, producers and traders of energy-saving lamps, whilst taking into consideration environmental and energy consumption factors.
The decision follows an investigation carried out by the Commission pursuant to EU antidumping rules, which concluded that it is in the interest of the Community to continue the measures for a further adjustment period of one year.

The anti-dumping duties only cover alternating current voltage lamps, including electronic compact fluorescent discharge lamps functioning on both alternating and direct current. The regulation also renews anti-dumping measures in force covering imports of CFL-I from Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam with a view to preventing the circumvention of the measures through those countries.

Source: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/misc/96507.pdf



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